Chalmers United Church Kintore - Church Board Meeting
January 20, 2022
Attendance by Zoom: D’Arc and Judy Irvine, Wade and Nanci Whittaker, Peter and Barb Graham, Doug Peck, Dan and Barb Irvine, Alex and Florence Steele, Al Rutledge, Noretta Henderson, Paul Henderson, John Henderson, Louise McLellan, and Kathy Luyben.
Doug opened our meeting by leading us in prayer. The minutes of the November 16th board meeting were read and adopted.
Committee Reports:
Business arising from the Committee Reports: Rev. Peck presented a short tutorial explaining the steps necessary to broadcast services on Facebook and Zoom.
New Business: Our annual meeting will be held after church on Feb. 13th. Reports need to be in by Feb. 6th. There was some discussion about committee members remaining as is for another year. This will need to be addressed and finalized in the future.
Doug closed the meeting with prayer.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Next meeting is: March 17, 2022 at 7:00 pm
Chairperson Secretary
January 20, 2022
Attendance by Zoom: D’Arc and Judy Irvine, Wade and Nanci Whittaker, Peter and Barb Graham, Doug Peck, Dan and Barb Irvine, Alex and Florence Steele, Al Rutledge, Noretta Henderson, Paul Henderson, John Henderson, Louise McLellan, and Kathy Luyben.
Doug opened our meeting by leading us in prayer. The minutes of the November 16th board meeting were read and adopted.
Committee Reports:
- Minister’s Report – Rev. Peck thanked the church community for its creativity, novel ideas, and being capable people. He cited the recent chicken dinner fundraiser as an example of how we were able to use new ideas to make things work. He thanked all the board chairs for their leadership while he was the minister at Chalmers. He thanked our church for setting families and children as major priorities. He thanked our church for making music a large part of our services. He feels that our musical talent has led him to learn a lot. He thanked the people in our church who do a lot behind the scenes without being thanked.
- Treasurer’s Report - The budget for 2022 is being left the same as the previous year. We did receive $15 372 in tax rebates from the washroom renovation and lift installation which has raised our income in 2021. The visiting minister cost per service on Sundays is $224.00.
- Fundraising – no report
- Worship and Christian Ed- The worship committee has lined up student minister Janine Lunn and Rev. Marg Murray to cover supply from Feb. 20 - May 8. As far as format goes, in-person vs. virtual or both, we will make decisions as covid regulations dictate.
- Property – The south west door lock has been repaired by Dan Irvine. Some light bulbs including the one above the south west entrance door and some bulbs in the church sign may need to be replaced.
- Ministry and Personnel - Since the last board meeting and the original information received from the region, Reverend Doug suggested reaching out to Knox United in Embro because they had gone through the process fairly recently. After further consultation with Lynne Dunlop from Embro, we had a much clearer idea on next steps. We hosted a joint congregational meeting with Brooksdale on December 12th to inform everyone on what we felt was the best course of action, which is to form two 'needs assessment' committees, one for each church. The Chalmer's committee has since been formed and the members are Kay Calvin, Paul Henderson, Judy Irvine and Marg Ogar. The committee has drafted a survey which has now been sent out to gather input on the future of our church. Once the information has been collected and organized, the committee will prepare our 'Community of Faith Profile' which will be sent to the region for review and approval. Once approved, we can start our search and at this time, we will need to form a search committee. As was discussed at the meeting on December 12th, this is a complicated process and we want to ensure that we do it right. It will likely take some time to find the right replacement for Reverend Doug.
- Sunday School Teacher
- Annual Reviews
- Doug's Exit Interview
- Church and Society- The church water system has been tested and is now good. The Zoom license has been purchased. The PA amp has been tested by a company in Ingersoll and is working fine. We need someone to assist supply ministers and indeed our new minister deal with the technical issues of broadcasting our services.
- Pastoral Care – no report
- Knitting and More –Stitching is still going on. It is being done individually or in pairs right now. One quilt is to be finished and another one is on order.
- Trustees Report – no report.
- Needs Assessment Committee- A survey has been emailed out to people with computers. Fifty paper copies have been mailed out to those who do not have computers. These surveys need to be completed by Feb. 18th so the committee can compile the information.
Business arising from the Committee Reports: Rev. Peck presented a short tutorial explaining the steps necessary to broadcast services on Facebook and Zoom.
New Business: Our annual meeting will be held after church on Feb. 13th. Reports need to be in by Feb. 6th. There was some discussion about committee members remaining as is for another year. This will need to be addressed and finalized in the future.
Doug closed the meeting with prayer.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Next meeting is: March 17, 2022 at 7:00 pm
Chairperson Secretary